Club Officers

Here are the positions of the Club Committee, with current members holding these positions, and a short description of the position held.

Chairman – Karl Martin

The chairman is responsible for the overall running of the club, and ensuring that club meetings are held smoothly.

Secretary – Patrick Beckett

The secretary handles the correspondence to and from the club, and to the members of the club. They collect the fees from the members and take minutes at the club meetings.

Treasurer – Ian Snell

The treasurer is responsible for handling all the money paid into the club in the form of memberships fees and revenue from tournaments and allocating this to the upkeep of the equipment and any subscriptions required by the governing bodies.

Equipment Officer – Graeme Parry

The Equipment Officer is responsible for the maintenance of the club equipment (bosses, stands, Club hut etc)

Records Officer – Patrick Beckett

The Records Officer handles all the scores shot by the members. From the scores, Handicaps can be calculated and tracked, and a Classification given to each archer.

Also the maximum scores shot by club members on each round is collated and kept up to date.

Tournament Officer – Steve Wright

Organizes all the club run shoots which are held throughout the year.

Child Protection Officer – Patrick Beckett (Temporary)

The Club Child Protection Officer acts as the first point of contact for anyone in the club (club committee, team staff, parents or players) who has a concern about a child and about possible abuse or poor practice by adults working with children.

Coaching Officer – Patrick Beckett

Organizes the coaching group to ensure the coaching requirements of the club are maintained to a high standard.