What-a-thrill, Head-2-Head

If we watch archery competitions on the telly, we (nearly) always see two archers competing against each other. One shoots an arrow, and then the other replies back.

Shooting a Head-2-Head down in Corus

They alternate, they shoot 3 arrows each, and then they call the scores.

Well, that’s what it’s called a Head-2-Head, and it’s a fundamental part of the practice, in becoming comfortable during a competition.

We thought about calling the BBC and WorldArchery down at the club… Continue reading “What-a-thrill, Head-2-Head”

Buying your First Bow

Archery is exciting and with it, comes the desire of getting your own equipment as soon as possible. We highly recommend that you get your equipment under the guidance of a senior coach.

This wonderful sport, is a deep rabbit hole, and could become daunting to choose your first bow. What’s your draw length? Are you allowed to use a plunger? Can you use a dampener, and if so, what type should you go for?

Continue reading “Buying your First Bow”

Club’s Coaches

With a combination of experience from many years of shooting and the recognized training of the formal governing body ArcheryGB, Corus Deeside Archery Club provides a pool of coaches to follow the archers in their discovering journey of archery.
With the help of a coach, through basic coaching and dedicated 1 to 1 development programs archers of all experience can expedite their improvement.

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At the Club, a pool of coaches work together to deliver a sound, consistent and also specialized coaching  to all members.

Under the seasoned direction of the Head Coach, Pete Pendrey, with more than 50 years of “service” on the field of Archery and an impressive CV, the team delivers 2 types of coaching:

– a continuous and foundational coaching
– a dedicated coaching for developing archers to their next level

Continue reading “Coaching”