Tournament preparation. It all starts by knowing you’ll be attending to one.
Thankfully, at Corus our coaches have scheduled an indoor handicap-adjusted league to which all members can attend.
Through this plan, we get to experience the tension of a tournament and the different possible indoor rounds.
This morning we turned up to meet the eye-catching black and white faces lined up and ready to welcome our excellent shooting.
Yes, that’s exactly right, excellent shooting – because each time you show up in front of the target and commit to the training, no matter what the score will be, the result will always be a good one.
Commit to the training,
shoot with intent,
listen to your coach.
The Worcester is a 5-arrows-end round, so a bit different than classic indoor rounds characterized by 3 arrows end.
You get to shoot the first 30 arrows on a target face and then switch target for the following 30 to the other lower/upper face.
I personally get a very distant taste of Field Archery there, but that’s about how far I would dare to go in comparing the two.
We all have ups and downs, but to me is always rewarding when you see members’ skills getting better and better.
Why rewarding? Because we are all in this (archery struggle) together.
And we saw some really excellent shooting this morning – see below .
(Great job there Gerry – Olympic Style Recurve shooting – not any fancy compound one)
My personal bright side in all of this? First Worcester, personal best. Couldn’t be any better.
See you on the line.