Next Have-A-Go at capacity

Update: This have-a-go session is now full! Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest.

We will be having further have-a-go sessions in the future, so keep an eye on the website and we’ll publish them as soon as a date is confirmed.

For those unsure about wanting to join our club and take up archery but have always wanted to try shooting a bow and arrow, then this is another opportunity.

On the 22nd August during our morning shooting session we have set aside an area for non-members to have a go of shooting a recurve bow. You’ll have a dozen arrows under the instruction of either a coach or an experienced archer.

The cost is £10. During the session you’ll be able to talk to the club members and find out about this unique sport.

outdoor targets

Brief History of the club

Corus (Deeside) Archery Club has been in Shotton for over 50 years.

We have gone by several names during that time including John Summers and British Steel Archers.

We have been on the current grounds at Rowley’s Drive since it was used as British Steel’s Sports and Social Club, when the company helped sustain the club whilst we didn’t charge membership fees to British Steel employees.

When British Steel was sold to Corus, we became Corus (Deeside). Since then Corus has cut ties with the club but we retain the name until we see the need to change it (and we find a fitting replacement).

We have always supported our archers, some of whom have gone on to tournament winning careers shooting for county and for Wales.