(this article has been edited on 4th of July to reflect club’s guidelines)
Return to Archery is now a thing. England has been able to go back to this wonderful sport a bit earlier then Wales, but we are on track now to shoot straight into the gold again.
WAA have checked the situation with Sport Wales and can confirm that we are okay to recommence archery from the above date
The original situation, the presence of this new coronavirus, hasn’t changed much, if not worsen, so return to shoot, will have to ensure our and our beloved ones safety before everything.
Rules of Shooting have changed, and new procedures in the philosphy of “book online, turn-up, shoot, go-home” will take place.
To adapt, we need the collaboration of every members desiring to shoot again.
Here some anticipations:
- Only 1 household per target
- You are required to read and adhere to official guidance from ArcheryGb (available here: https://www.archerygb.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Guidance-Notes-for-Clubs-Update-4-July.pdf)
- You must keep 2 meters distance from other people at all times (other than people from your own household).
- You are responsible for your own hygiene, so bring your own gloves and facemasks.
- The club will provide hand sanitizer, but you must bring your own protective equipment.
- The hut will not be available.
- If you show sign of illness, and in particular of Covid-19 after shooting at the club, you have to inform the club.
- If you feel ill, poorly or generally don’t feel ok, you shouldn’t attend.
- No toilets or washing room facilities will be open during the shooting.
- You can book a 2 hour slot, in advance on Eventbrite (i.e. 09.00-11.00) – more info to follow on this procedure.
- You must not attend the shooting range if you haven’t booked online in advance.
- You can not book two consecutive time slots (to ensure fairness to others).
- You may of course, extend your booking during your time at the range, if there are slots available after the current one you are currently shooting.
- You are required to arrive/leave within 15 minutes of your booked time.
- Only one person per target unless shooting with someone from the same household.
- One person (from those attending) will need to be nominated to access the container so that the bosses and frames can be removed.
- That person will be required to wear a face mask and gloves at all times during this procedure.
- That person will:
- carry the frames out
- roll the bosses out
- place them alongside the container which holds our foam bosses.
- Archers will collect said bosses and frames and carry/roll them out to the desired distance while maintaining 2m distance from others at all times.
- Targets will need to be placed in a way that ensures that there is 5m between them, and that there is at least 2m between archers of different households at the shooting line.
- Bosses are to be leant against the bottom of the frames as lifting the bosses on to the frames while maintaining a distance of 2m from other archers will not be possible.
- Archers who attempt to lift bosses on to the frames on their own do so at their own risk.
- You will be provided with a face and pins. You will need to take these home with you at the end of the session and bring them back next time you shoot.
- You must stay to the left of the target while walking to retrieve your arrows.
- You will be required to place your frames and bosses back up against the container holding the foam targets.
- One person (from those attending) will need to be nominated to place the bosses and frames back in the container.
- That person will be required to wear a face mask and gloves at all times during this procedure.
- Do not exchange equipment with other archers.
ArcheryGb – Return to Archery
ArcheryGb – Return to Archery QA
Thanks for everyone’s collaboration.
The Club
(this article has been edited on 4th of July to reflect club’s guidelines)